Blarney Castle, known as Caisleán na Blarnan in Irish, is a medieval castle in Blarney, County Cork, Ireland. It was originally a timber lodge built in the 10th century, and was then replaced by a stone castle in 1210.
The current castle dates from 1446 and was built by the King of Munster, Dermot McCarthy. Blarney Castle continued to be the ancestral stronghold of the McCarthy family until the arrival of Oliver Cromwell in 1646. Then in 1661 the Castle was returned to the McCarthy family when King Charles II became King of England.
Once again the McCarthys were forced to leave Blarney Castle following the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when all Irish chiefs were stripped of their powers. The Castle is now owned and managed by the Trustees of the Blarney Castle Estate.
The Blarney Stone, called Cloch na Blarnan in Irish, is a block of bluestone which was set into the tower of Blarney Castle in 1446 when the castle was built.
The current castle dates from 1446 and was built by the King of Munster, Dermot McCarthy. Blarney Castle continued to be the ancestral stronghold of the McCarthy family until the arrival of Oliver Cromwell in 1646. Then in 1661 the Castle was returned to the McCarthy family when King Charles II became King of England.
Once again the McCarthys were forced to leave Blarney Castle following the Battle of the Boyne in 1690 when all Irish chiefs were stripped of their powers. The Castle is now owned and managed by the Trustees of the Blarney Castle Estate.
The Blarney Stone, called Cloch na Blarnan in Irish, is a block of bluestone which was set into the tower of Blarney Castle in 1446 when the castle was built.
The stone is believed to be half of the Stone of Scone which originally belonged to Scotland. Robert the Bruce gave the stone to Cormac McCarthy in 1314 for his support in the Battle of Bannockburn. Scottish Kings were crowned over the Stone of Scone because it was believed to have special powers.
According to legend, a person who kisses the Blarney Stone is endowed with the gift of the gab. The stone is also known as the Stone of Eloquence.
Vintage photomechanical print of Blarney Castle in County Cork, Ireland, which was taken towards the end of the 19th century. The photograph shows the castle which was bult in 1446 by Dermot McCarthy, King of Munster. The castle holds the Stone of Eloquence, otherwise known as the Blarney Stone. Photograph courtesy of LOC (LC-DIG-ppmsc-09850).
Visit OldeWorldGifts to see the full collection of gifts and paper products featuring this vintage image of Blarney Castle in County Cork, Ireland.
The Blarney Stone, called Cloch na Blarnan in Irish, is a block of bluestone which was set into the tower of Blarney Castle in 1446 when the castle was built. wedding anniversary gifts