23 September 2010

Babelsberg Palace, Potsdam, Germany

Babelsberg Palace is situated in Babelsberg - a district in Potsdam, the capital of the German state of Brandenburg. The palace was located on the slope of the Babelsberg hill, which overlooked Havel River.

The palace was built as a summer residence for Prince William of Hohenzollern and his spouse, Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. In 1833, the prince was given approval to proceed with the palace by his father, King Frederick William III of Prussia.

Initially the palace was designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel in a Neo-Gothic style. However, Prince William had become the Prussian Crown Prince due to his elder brother, King Frederick Willian IV, not having any children. This resulted in the plans of the palace being extended by Friedrich Ludwig Persius and was finally finished in 1849.

After William’s accession to the Prussian and German throne, he continued to use Babelsberg Palace as a summer residence. On 23 September 1862, he appointed Otto von Bismark as the Minister President of Prussia in Babelsberg Palace.

Vintage photomechanical print of Babelsberg Palace in Potsdam, Berlin, Germany, which was taken at the end of the 19th century. Photograph courtesy of LOC (LC-DIG-ppmsca-00363). Visit OldeWorldGifts to see the collection of gifts featuring this beautiful old photochrom of Babelsberg Palace.

1 comment:

  1. The palace was built as a summer residence for Prince William of Hohenzollern and his spouse, Augusta of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. In 1833, the prince was given approval to proceed with the palace by his father, King Frederick William III of Prussia. thank you gifts
