02 September 2010

Arnhem on the Rhine, Netherlands

Arnhem is a city in the province of Gelderland in the eastern part of the Netherlands, which has a rich history of early human inhabitants.

The oldest archaelogical findings near Arnhem are two firestones which are dated as coming from 70,000 years ago. During the Stone Age, the Neanderthals lived in this part of Europe.

Tracks of a hunter's camp dating from 5000 BC have been discovered as well as 12 grave hills dating from 2400 BC, providing evidence of the development of agricultural communities to the area.

Traces of the earliest settlements in Arnhem have been found and date from 1500 BC on the Hoogkamp, from 700 BC around St Jansbeek, and from 500 BC south of the Rhine.

Arnhem was not originally built on the banks of the Rhine, but was built along the St Jansbeek. In 1530, the flow of the Rhine was changed, which resulted in the city being located on the river.

In the 19th century, Arnhem was a famous resort town due to its beauty. It was also called the Hague of the East due to the number of former sugar barons and planters who settles there from the Indies, which was similar to what had occurred in The Hague.

Vintage photomechanical print of Arnhem on the Rhine in the Netherlands, which was taken towards the end of the 19th century. Photograph courtesy LOC (LC-DIG-ppmsc-05781).

Visit OldeWorldGifts to see the full collection of products featuring this lovely vintage photochrom of the city of Arnhem in the Netherlands.

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