Hallstatt is a village situated on the south-western shore of the Hallstätter See in the geographical region of Salzkammergut in Austria.
Until the 19th century, Hallstatt could only be reached by boat or narrow trails. As can be seen in the photochrom below, the land between the lake and the mountains was minimal and the inhabitants had used every available inch. The first road to Hallstatt was built in 1890, made possible partially by rock blasting.
Hallstatt is considered one of the first places of human settlement, primarily due to the rich sources of natural salt, which have been mined for thousands of years. Some of Hallstatt's oldest archaelogical finds date back to around 5500 BC.
Vintage photomechanical print of Hallstatt in Austria, which was taken towards the end of the 19th century. The photograph features a view of the town in Upper Austria, situated on the south-western shore of the Hallstätter See (Lake). Photograph courtesy LOC (LC-DIG-ppmsc-09249). Visit OldeWorldGifts to see the range of products featuring this beautiful vintage photochrom of Hallstatt in Austria.
Until the 19th century, Hallstatt could only be reached by boat or narrow trails. As can be seen in the photochrom below, the land between the lake and the mountains was minimal and the inhabitants had used every available inch. The first road to Hallstatt was built in 1890, made possible partially by rock blasting. 70th birthday gifts